Fundraising for Savannah Vision Tanzania (SVTa).

Join us in our mission to make a lasting impact on marginalized communities in Tanzania. We are
seeking your assistance in raising funds for a ground-breaking project that aims to empower these
communities and transform their lives. Through various initiatives, we will provide access to quality education, improve livelihoods, and conserve and restore the natural environment.

Picture a future where rural communities have access to quality education, improved livelihoods,
and a thriving natural environment. Unfortunately, many marginalized communities in Tanzania
currently lack access to quality education facilities and teachers, live in poverty, and suffer from
degraded environments characterized by poor soil fertility and water shortages.

Beekeeping for Hadza Community

  • Donation: $6,000
  • Project Details: Support modern beekeeping projects for the Hadza hunters and gatherers community households. This initiative will increase honey and beeswax production, providing a vital source of food and income for the Hadza. Bees also play a crucial role in pollination, ensuring a balanced nature and greater biodiversity. Donate Now

Model Secondary School Construction

  • Donation: $24,000
  • Project Details: Help us purchase 10 acres of land for the construction of a model secondary school. This school will prioritize STEM subjects, cultural bridging studies, and critical thinking. It will serve marginalized communities from different parts of Tanzania, nurturing beneficiaries to become valuable members of their communities and the nation. Donate Now

Teacher Training Seminars

  • Donation: $4,000
  • Project Details: Contribute to on-the-job teacher training seminars for 20 secondary schools in the Arusha region, benefiting a total of 200 teachers. Your support will help teachers better implement the competence-based curriculum, leading to improved student performance and attendance. Donate Now

Agroecology Project for Hadza

  • Donation: $5,000
  • Project Details: Support the agroecology project for the Hadza by providing fruit trees and seedlings to each household. We will offer training, technical monitoring, and guidance to ensure sustainability. This initiative will conserve nature and provide sustainable food and income for Hadza households. Donate Now

Savannah Vision Tanzania is a registered Non-Governmental Organization in mainland Tanzania, committed to attracting broad support from businesses, individuals, professionals, government bodies, and other stakeholders committed to Sustainable Development Goals. Together, we can bring about tangible change and overcome the challenges we face. Rest assured that 100% of your donation will be allocated to supporting the causes of Savannah Vision Tanzania.

You can also make direct wire transfers to our account:

Account name: Savannah Vision Tanzania,
Account number: 41310019032
Bank name: National Microfinance Bank (NMB Bank Plc Tanzania)
Branch: Monduli,
Swift code: NMIBTZTZ

Thank you for taking the time to read our page. If you choose to donate, we would greatly appreciate a personal message from you. Your words of encouragement mean a lot to us.

With every good wish,

Thomas Reuben Mollel
Executive Director-Savannah Vision Tanzania