Godfrey Gabriel Christopher is Aquatic Environment and Natural resources management Scientist. Mr. Christopher holds a Master of Science degree in Natural Resources Assessment and Management and a Bachelor of Science in Aquatic Environmental Science and Conservation both from the University of Dar es Salaam.

Mr. Christopher is a registered Technical Fisheries Tutor with vast experience of over Nine (9) years in providing Training and Education in fisheries and coastal resources management, responsible fisheries, climate change, and resilience, and Ecosystem management.

He also did a certificate course in Value Chain Development for the sustainable use of fisheries. (Hokkaido University, Japan), Resource (Hokkaido-University, Japan), Food security in the fisheries sector, and a course in Disasters and Ecosystems; Resilience in Changing Climate delivered by UNEP and Cologn University of Applied Sciences (CUAS). Mr. Godfrey Christopher has endless experience in organizing and coordinating numerous projects in fisheries (Southwest Indian Ocean Fisheries Governance and Shared Growth Program– SWIOFish at FETA funded by World Bank, estimating food loss and wasted resources from Nile perch gillnet fishery- Funded by FAO and Climate Change Adaptation Project- Funded by German Government (BMZ).

Christopher has been involved in conducting a number of researches (Assessing the impact of seaweed value addition on communities’ incomes, Comparative study on fish species inhabiting different habitats, Biofuel Evaluation for Tanzanian Technological Efficiency using Renewable- Integrated Strategies, Uluguru Mountains Environmental Management and Conservation research Project funded by UNDP/GEF, Global Comparative Study on REDD+ Reduced Emission in forest Degradation and Deforestation. He has attended many Scientific conferences and training: Marine and Coastal ecosystems-based adaptation (EbA) for enhanced resilience in Southern Africa, Workshop on New Digital Technologies for Marine Biodiversity Data handling in East Africa, Conference on Conservation and Sustainable use of Tanzania Marine Resources organized by SIDA and the University of Gothenburg, Lake Victoria Basin Environmental Research and Scientific Conference in Mwanza, 2nd ANAFE International Symposium on Mainstreaming Climate Change into Agricultural Education: Tools, Experiences and Challenges held in Lilongwe, Malawi.