About Savannah Vision Tanzania

Savannah Vision Tanzania (SVTa) is a non-governmental organization that recognizes the efforts of the United Nations and the Government of Tanzania in bringing about sustainable developments for all Tanzanians [1]. The organization was formed to join in an effort with other stakeholders to ensure that Tanzania attains its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to become a country with a developed economy [1]. SVTa intends to contribute by providing creative and innovative solutions to build stronger community links in order to improve the living standards of Tanzanians and enhance the quality of our natural and human environments [1].

SVTa supports Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 4, 8, 15, and 17 by promoting access to quality education, terrestrial ecosystem management, decent work, and economic empowerment [1]. To achieve these ambitious goals, SVTa will build partnerships with different stakeholders, initiate the removal of social barriers, innovate, and adopt appropriate technological applications [1].

Our targeted population group is the marginalized communities in Tanzania.


“Our vision is to have developed sustainable societies free from poverty, illiteracy, existing sustainably with their natural eco


“Our mission is to enable marginalized communities in Tanzania to attain an improved standard of living, and high quality of their natural

We Help Access To Quality Education

Tanzania has made enormous progress in achieving the target of universal primary education. The total enrolment rate exceeded 91 percent in 2020, and the number of children out of school has dropped by almost half. There has also been a dramatic increase in literacy rates, and many more girls are entering school than ever before.

We help marginalised communities improve their livelihood

 SVTa intends to contribute by providing creative and innovative solutions and building stronger community links in order to improve the living standards of rural

Human life depends on the earth as much as the ocean for our sustenance and livelihoods.

Plant life provides 80 percent of the human diet, and we rely on agriculture as an important economic resource.

    Did You Know…? Empowering Education for Tanzania’s Marginalized

    Only 40% of the population of Tanzania go beyond primary school. The percentages go down drastically for Children coming from marginalized, especially in the traditional Hadza, Datoga, Sandawe, Ndorobo and Maasai communities.